Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare. And to make general downloading easier and faster.
Orbit Downloader 3.0 — Manage Downloads Become Easier
Orbit Download fixed the bug crash when Orbit start.
Posted by
Orbit Downloader
All the options in the right-click menu in Firefox (Getit, Download by Orbit, Download all by Orbit) don't work but they redirect in the official Orbit site tutorials.
Please fix it.
The problem is cause of your browser. Please remove and install your browser again .
The all of the versions of Orbit does not work with Google Chrome. Please enable it for chrome .
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.Please enable Orbit for chrome.
Please enable Orbit for chrome.
I have updated orbitdownloader from ver. 2.8.x to But for some reason all my previous downloads appears twice in the list. This could be a bug.
Thanks for fixing the but.
I had switched back to old version about this
Feature Request:
Toolbar button for Moving Up, Down, Top, Bottom. Or perhaps simply, can drag and drop to change the order of download queue.
Dont you have ppls opinions before you throw a new version around with nonsense updates ?
going two version down now and will never update.
Please add support for http://www.yourfilehost.com
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I have some problem.....
Orbit_downloader forget mirrors when i exit orbit.
when i exit orbit and run again, i see no mirror in my mirror list.
It fails for downloading songs from www.in.com please check it.
Man I hate the new version. Where can I download the 2.8 version? It downloads all my files in a random way. I download a list of files (quite often with 2 or 3 pieces for each file) it will arrange them randomly and if i try to arrange them manually, they reset after starting the next item in the queue.Fix this please.
I don't understand the new download order. It downloads all in a random way.
very strange.. bug
if downloads are paused they are deleted they dissapear.
I have enjoyed using Orbit.
And then comes some critique.....
The Proper English used in the blogs and even in the Orbit Web page are atrocious.
I do understand the structure and it just a sore point with me. JMHO
A site that orbit cannot download from at present:
Redy said...
Feature Request:
Toolbar button for Moving Up, Down, Top, Bottom. Or perhaps simply, can drag and drop to change the order of download queue.
Absolutely right and it is very necessary feature.
Please make "ordering feature" simple to change order of downloads.
I hope you appreciate our request.
Doesn't work on opera 10...:(
Even if i enable delete real file as well while deleting the downloaded files it does not get deleted.
Change the way that i can customize the bar which shows create time, downloaded time etc like utorrent. I don't need it to show everything.
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Please!!! Orbit for Google Chrome!!!
Please enable Orbit for Google Chrome!!!
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I've noticed a bug already posted here: files don't get deleted when the option is marked.
Thank you!
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